4 Best Foods For Your Gorgeous Hair

4 Best Food For Your Gorgeous Hair

Nutrients that are great for your hair include vitamins, minerals as well as protein which is a structural component of your hair. To provide those nutrients, foods that are said to be best for strong, healthy hair are:


Have it poached, scrambled, soft-boiled or any way you want! Eggs are rich in protein, zinc, selenium, and iron – packed with nutrition for happy hair.


Get cracking! Nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E, and zinc that helps protect scalp health, improve hair condition, and prevent hair loss.


The best-known food source for zinc, oysters are indispensable nutrient for healthy hair. Make sure they’re fresh for maximum deliciousness! 


Often featured in Japanese cuisine, seaweed like wakame and hijiki are packed with minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber said to be great for hair!

Let’s eat a well-balanced meal with these key ingredients to improve hair conditions from the inside! Pair these with LebeL Viege’s scalp and hair care range formulated in Japan with the power of vegetable extracts.